Nov 1, 2006 | IE, security, software
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 changes many security defaults, and a few applications are having problems with that. McAfee has put up this page of instructions about how to make its products update correctly after IE7 is installed.Go take a look at the instructions. A...
Oct 24, 2006 | security, WinXP
Microsoft has now taken the “beta” label off Windows Defender with the release of a modestly updated build of the program. Changes are minimal – a new color scheme is about the only change you’ll notice.If you’re not running Windows...
Oct 10, 2006 | backup, OneCare, security
Microsoft has given an early look at an upgrade to Windows Live OneCare. It’s in open beta testing but I don’t recommend that you install it yet.For the most part there are only modest changes, but there are two important improvements in the backup system....
Sep 25, 2006 | IE, security
The security community is buzzing about another vulnerability in Internet Explorer, while Microsoft races to get a patch out the door. When somebody discovers a new way to break an Internet browser, the bad guys are now trying to exploit it immediately, the same day...
Aug 28, 2006 | security, software
I’m still occasionally asked why tech support people hate America Online. Here’s part of the evaluates software to determine if it presents any risks to your computer or your privacy. It is funded by major tech companies –...
Aug 23, 2006 | security, software
The deterioration of Symantec and McAfee products continues. Seems like every week I solve someone’s problem by uninstalling a Norton product. (This week a client’s outgoing e-mail was suddenly blocked, with an incomprehensible error message. After...