Feb 7, 2005 | Apple, IE, Internet, security, software
I like Macs. I think they’re fine computers that do some things pretty well. Personally, the much-vaunted Apple design choices leave me cold, so it’s hard for me to understand why people would pay a premium for an Apple computer, but I’m happy to...
Jan 12, 2005 | DRM, security
The folks responsible for spyware are constantly looking for new ways to get their programs onto your computer. Windows XP Service Pack 2 continues to be reasonably safe, although it will not prevent you from things you do voluntarily. Don’t install unnecessary...
Jan 11, 2005 | Microsoft, security
Microsoft continues to attack security issues on the Windows platform with impressive vigor. This week Microsoft released Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware, a program that cleans out existing adware/spyware and then runs continuously, monitoring to prevent new...
Dec 3, 2004 | Apple, security
I’m sure this will get lots of attention in the paper tomorrow as a gesture of fairness, given all the criticism of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer lately. But hey, perhaps you’ll be busy and miss the headline. Apple Computer released security...