Aug 28, 2004 | mail, security, spam
Outlook 2003 does a remarkable job of filtering spam. (Make sure you get the latest updates from Office Update.) It’s no surprise that the spammers are trying to get messages through the antispam filters with new techniques to conceal the true nature of their...
Aug 18, 2004 | security, WinXP
Norton Antivirus does not report its status to the new Windows Security Center, causing people to get an alarming bubble onscreen saying their computer “might be at risk,” when in fact the only problem is that Windows can’t be sure whether Norton...
Jul 30, 2004 | security, WinXP
There are new Critical Updates from Microsoft today that fix the exploit used by the “Download.Ject” trojan, the one that generated all the news articles last month. It replaces a temporary patch that was more limited in scope. Go to Windows Update and...
Jul 13, 2004 | security, WinXP
There are five new critical updates from Microsoft today. If you followed my suggestion and activated the “Automatic Update” feature of Windows XP, your computer will download them tonight and install them automatically. If you’re not sure, visit...
Jul 8, 2004 | file_sharing, security, video
Some things to make you go, hmmm . . . – Microsoft posts patch on July 2 for hole publicized on June 30 – Security hole found in Mozilla browser – Motion Picture Association of America says illegal movie downloading is cutting into box office and DVD...