Feb 12, 2004 | security, software, web_services
There’s a new irritant spreading in the AOL Instant Messenger network, pretending to be a web-based game named “Night Raptor” from a service named “BuddyLinks.” DON’T CLICK ON IT! Once installed, you are barraged with popup...
Jan 29, 2004 | security, spam
You’re probably getting confusing messages in your inbox. They’re a side-effect of the MyDoom virus, but they’re not directly generated by the virus at all. Instead, they’re “nondelivery” reports advising you that a message from you...
Jan 11, 2004 | IE, security
For several months, the most frequent complaint from my clients concerns programs surreptitiously installed on their computers that have hijacked their browser home page, taken over the browser’s search functions, or that are displaying incessant popup windows....
Nov 24, 2003 | security, spam
Here’s a good description of why Yahoo just sent out millions of notices about its “privacy policy.” “One time Pac-Bell (now under SBC name umbrella) users were promised “incredible new services” last fall if they signed up for the...