Jan 11, 2004 | IE, security
For several months, the most frequent complaint from my clients concerns programs surreptitiously installed on their computers that have hijacked their browser home page, taken over the browser’s search functions, or that are displaying incessant popup windows....
Nov 24, 2003 | security, spam
Here’s a good description of why Yahoo just sent out millions of notices about its “privacy policy.” “One time Pac-Bell (now under SBC name umbrella) users were promised “incredible new services” last fall if they signed up for the...
Nov 17, 2003 | Internet, security
I just ran into a browser hijacking that wasn’t repaired by AdAware. “LuckySearch” came up as the browser home page and default search engine every time the system rebooted, even after a thorough cleaning. It turns out there’s new methods of...
Oct 31, 2003 | security, spam
“Phishing” is a new buzzword for an old scam. Crooks are sending e-mails posing as legitimate businesses asking users for personal information – passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. E-mail messages are sprayed...
Oct 21, 2003 | security, software
Norton Antivirus 2004 cannot be used until the product is “activated,” just like Windows and Office. That means a separate copy has to be purchased for each computer – you can’t run around with a single CD installing it all over the place. I...