Apr 7, 2005 | Microsoft, security, software, WinXP
Whenever you go online, you are at risk of having adware and spyware installed on your system. Well-funded companies are seeking to invade your computer without your knowledge or consent; their software can slow or crash your computer, overload your Internet...
Mar 17, 2005 | security, software
Firefox is a perfectly nice piece of software, but it’s getting more hype than it deserves. It’s not the panacea that will keep you safe; it has its own security issues and it will be targeted by the bad guys just as Internet Explorer has been targeted....
Mar 15, 2005 | search, software
In the last few months several companies have introduced programs to index your files and your Outlook folders and let you find e-mail messages, contacts, or file attachments as easily as you can find something online. It is intoxicating to have the power to find a...
Feb 16, 2005 | Microsoft, security, software
Microsoft Antispyware was released a few weeks ago (here’s my writeup and links – scroll down to January 11.) Microsoft had a dilemma. If it sold the antispyware program, the media would howl that consumers should not have to pay to solve a problem that...
Feb 7, 2005 | Apple, IE, Internet, security, software
I like Macs. I think they’re fine computers that do some things pretty well. Personally, the much-vaunted Apple design choices leave me cold, so it’s hard for me to understand why people would pay a premium for an Apple computer, but I’m happy to...