Oct 17, 2004 | business, software
Corel is planning a comeback for WordPerfect! Here’s an article with details. It’s interesting to read this stuff, but don’t get too worked up. This marks, if memory serves, the 47th time that WordPerfect’s various owners have rededicated...
Oct 14, 2004 | Google, search, software
The Google Desktop is a free program that indexes and searches your Outlook folders and the documents on your computer. This will have more of an impact on your world than you suspect. From an icon down by the clock, you can instantly search every incoming and...
Aug 18, 2004 | IE, Internet, software
Perhaps you recall the furor a few weeks ago when a couple of new holes were discovered in Internet Explorer, causing security experts to squeal in dismay about its weaknesses. A few experts got their name in the news by recommending that consumers use an alternative...
Apr 9, 2004 | audio, software
Media Center 10 is the new version of the program formerly known as Media Jukebox – software for playing and organizing your music files. It is a long-time favorite among power users, but the improvements in the interface on the new version make it far easier to...