Oct 29, 2018 | Amazon, Android, Apple, computers, Echo, Facebook, Google, HP, laptops, Microsoft, phone, shopping, Surface
In the last two months, there have been major announcements of new products by every computer and phone manufacturer on the planet. You don’t know about any of them, do you? On September 12, Apple put on its annual presentation of new iPhones for hundreds of tech...
Aug 29, 2018 | Adobe, Apple, Azure, Box, business, Cortana, Google, home assistants, IE, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, Skype, Surface, web_services
Microsoft does not have an ecosystem for consumers or small businesses in 2018. There is very little synergy between Microsoft products and almost nothing locks us into Microsoft products when we move from one category to another. It makes old-timers sad to think of...
Apr 16, 2018 | Android, Apple, audio, augmented reality, Cortana, Dropbox, Google, IE, Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, Surface, video, Vista, Windows 10 S, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
There was a time when Windows was cool. A long time ago, people lined up to get new versions of Windows when they went on sale. Maybe not quite the numbers of people outside of Apple stores at the height of iPhone madness, but still – Microsoft was pretty cool....
Jan 17, 2018 | Chrome, Chromebook, hardware, HP, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, mobile, Surface, Windows 10 S, Windows10, wireless
Previously: Looking Forward: Always Connected Computers If you were paying attention during the previous lecture, you know that Microsoft is working with Qualcomm on “Always Connected PCs.” HP, Lenovo, Asus and other manufacturers will soon be selling laptops that are...
Jan 7, 2018 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Google, HP, Microsoft, security, Surface, updates, Windows10
Nearly every modern processor has security flaws that potentially could allow hackers to steal data from any computer or server. The two related problems, code-named Meltdown and Spectre, have the technology industry in a tizzy and spilled over to the mainsteam press...
Dec 21, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Box, bruceb, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, laptops, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, phone, security, shopping, Surface, web_services, Windows 10 S, Windows10
A year ago I wrote this prediction: “The word of the year for 2017 is “chaos.” Write it down, seal it in an envelope, open it up a year from now and see if I got it right.” I think I get full marks. (Although Dictionary.com chose “complicit” as the word of the year,...
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