Feb 15, 2013 | Adobe, Microsoft, updates, Vista, Windows7, Windows8, WinXP
Microsoft and Adobe made sure your computer stayed busy this week, with a particularly large crop of patches and security updates. Your computer has probably already restarted at least once and probably could use another restart to make sure everything has settled...
Jan 23, 2013 | IE, security, updates
Ed Bott has written a fascinating article about Java’s bad behavior – not just its security vulnerabilities, which are legion, but also its incessant attempts to install adware that mucks up your computer every time you install an update. It’s a must-read article if...
Jan 16, 2013 | bruceb, business, computers, network, remote, security, updates, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Your brush with danger from the weekend Java vulnerability ought to help you appreciate the importance of staying up to date on all the programs targeted by malware: Windows, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, and the other...
Jan 12, 2013 | security, updates
Hackers discovered a new security flaw in Java and immediately set up poisoned web sites that can compromise your computer if you click on a link. Since no patch is currently available to fix the vulnerability, it qualifies as a “zero day exploit,” the most dangerous...
Oct 3, 2012 | Adobe, Microsoft, Office, photos, shopping, software, updates
As we head into the fall, the software publishers are lining up their annual updated versions of the core Windows programs for businesses. Here are some of the ones that have come up on my radar screen. Microsoft Windows 8 The official unveiling is October 26....
Aug 15, 2012 | Adobe, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, OneDrive, SBS, software, updates, web_services, Windows Live, Windows8
The pace is picking up as we head into full-blown techno-craziness this fall. WINDOWS 8 This morning the shipping version of Windows 8 became available to Microsoft TechNet and MSDN subscribers. The download site generated error messages for an hour or so under the...