Sep 18, 2016 | Azure, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Skype, web_services, Windows10
Background: Understanding Microsoft Work And Personal Accounts Tip: How To Change The Login For Your Microsoft Account (And Why You Should) Last week Microsoft candidly acknowledged that it has created a confusing and frustrating tangle with its two identity systems...
Aug 25, 2016 | Android, Apple, mobile, photos, web_services
Prisma is a free app for iOS and Android that turns your photos into works of art in seconds. In a way it’s similar to the filters that have been around for Instagram and Snapchat for years, but these are the best filters you’ve ever seen. Look at a few samples, then...
Aug 1, 2016 | Azure, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, Skype, web_services
In the early 1990s Microsoft was the dominant company in personal computing but its products did not recognize or incorporate the brand new concept of something called the “Internet.” After a famous 1995 memo from CEO Bill Gates, Microsoft embarked on a pivot that led...
Jul 11, 2016 | Android, Apple, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, mobile, Office, OneDrive, OneNote, phone, photos, web_services
It has become easy to use your phone for quick scans and to create PDFs on the fly. Find an app to use and remember it when you get a receipt or document that should be scanned on the fly. Each of the major cloud services – Microsoft OneDrive (Office Lens), Box (Box...
Jun 26, 2016 | Azure, Box, Cortana, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, news, Office 365, Server 2012, web_services
(Warning: this article gets pretty geeky by the end. Feel free to look away. I’ll try to make the next article about a Dancing Kitten app or something.) Last week Microsoft agreed to pay $26.2 billion cash to acquire LinkedIn. It’s one of the largest technology...
Jun 19, 2016 | Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, web_services, Windows tips, Windows10
(2020/10/12 – click here for an updated, shorter version of this article.) “I read your article about personal Microsoft accounts and business Office 365 accounts,” my wife said last week. “Well, I read parts of it. It was . . . dense.” Dense? My article was a...