Jun 17, 2014 | broadband, Internet, mobile, web_services, wireless
Comcast customers can already connect to free WiFi on their laptops and phones in hundreds of thousands of locations across the country. Now Comcast is expanding its free WiFi network by turning home routers into public hotspots. It’s a rare case of a large company...
Jun 9, 2014 | Adobe, shopping, software, web_services
Adobe Acrobat is almost as prevalent in businesses as Microsoft Office. Almost all office workers now outgrow the free Adobe Reader and need access to the full Acrobat program to create PDFs, scan documents, fill forms, convert PDFs to Word format, and more. Acrobat...
Jun 4, 2014 | backup, bruceb, business, downtime, SBS, Server 2012, web_services
Bruceb Backup Pro is intended to meet the challenge of business continuity with backups that are secure, redundant, and focused on disaster recovery. I’ll be offering Bruceb Backup Pro to clients later this month. Each element has been chosen to complement the rest...
May 29, 2014 | Google, Internet, web_services
KnowMyRankings.com is a simple and elegant tool for anyone who wants to know how their website ranks in Google searches. If your small business or law firm has a website and you want to know whether people can find you online, sign up for a free trial. There are two...
May 5, 2014 | Apple, audio, mobile, Spotify, web_services
Technology is causing another shift in the way we listen to music. There’s no right or wrong answer but Spotify has some advantages over many of the other choices. Background A quick recap of how we’ve listened to music over the years. • Baby boomers started with...
Apr 13, 2014 | Internet, LastPass, security, web_services
Heartbleed is the popular name of a security vulnerability that is generating a great deal of excitement. A bug in OpenSSL software – used by 500,000 widely used web sites for security and privacy – might allow a hacker to steal passwords or other...