Mar 13, 2012 | Android, Apple, Dropbox, Google, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, tablet, web_services
By the end of 2012, there will be three walled gardens shaping your technology world. Every device you buy will be in one of those gardens. If all of your devices are part of the same garden, you will have a peaceful time enjoying the rewards of a well-groomed,...
Mar 7, 2012 | Android, Apple, Dropbox, file_sharing, iPad, mail, mobile, OneNote, Outlook, phone, security, tablet, web_services
As much as we all hate remembering passwords and thinking about security, it’s hard to ignore the constant headlines on the front page about hacking and security and privacy. You’re getting better. You’re well trained to practice safe computing on your home and office...
Mar 5, 2012 | Microsoft, Office 365, Outlook, web_services
Previously: Persistent Outlook Password Prompts For Office 365 This is a troubleshooting tip that only applies to a few people – but those few people are very glad to have an answer. Microsoft began selling hosted Exchange mailboxes in 2008. It is now engaged in...
Feb 14, 2012 | backup, computers, web_services
There is a lot of interest in online backups but they are only one part of a bigger picture. Let’s take a quick look at the options you have for backups. Backing up the data on company servers is serious business for another article. Let’s assume that you have some...
Feb 12, 2012 | backup, bruceb, web_services
Bruceb Cloud Backup provides monitored online backups at prices that are comparable to the unmonitored "business" plans offered by competitors. The web site has been updated with new information about Bruceb Cloud Backup. You’ll find answers to...
Feb 1, 2012 | remote, web_services
LogMeIn has become the most widely used product for remote access to a home or office computer. Remote access is requested by more offices all the time as a cheap and efficient way to use line-of-business programs at the office from a home computer or notebook or...