Sep 1, 2011 | domains, Internet, web_services
WordPress is everywhere. A few days ago, WordPress announced rather startling statistics: WordPress is now powering 14.7% of the top million websites in the world. 22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress. Those are big numbers. If you’re...
Aug 29, 2011 | Adobe, file_sharing, mail, Outlook, web_services
It is increasingly necessary to send large file attachments by email. It continues to be a bad idea! It clogs up your mailbox and slows down your mail server and generates endless frustration when messages don’t arrive – but none of that matters. Businesses are...
Aug 23, 2011 | Microsoft, Office 365, Outlook, web_services, Windows7
Microsoft Press has two quite useful books for you to download, absolutely free. The books are in PDF format, fully searchable and easy to read onscreen. (Don’t print them. It misses the point.) The Windows 7 Power Users Guide by Mike Halsey is packed with...
Aug 22, 2011 | Adobe, Office, web_services
Adobe has created a web-based tool for converting PDFs to Word documents. It’s so inexpensive that you might find a reason to sign up. Adobe ExportPDF has a single function: visit and upload a PDF; the web service will convert it into...
Aug 19, 2011 | Amazon, Google, mail, Microsoft, Office 365, web_services
On August 10, the main data center for Exchange Defender suffered a catastrophic power failure. Clients using the spam filtering service had their incoming and outgoing mail interrupted or massively slowed for most of a day, and hosted mailboxes went offline for as...
Aug 10, 2011 | business, domains, Internet, web_services
I have a story about web hosting. When you visit, all the pages pop into place instantly. Do a search or click on a link and you’ll see the result right away. That’s what you expect from a web site, right? Until last week, that’s not what you got from...