Mar 25, 2011 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, security, software, web_services, Windows7
Previously: Battle Of The Browser Updates The latest and greatest versions of the three major Internet browsers have been released. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Mozilla Firefox 4 Google Chrome 10 They are all streamlined and secure. Each has slightly different...
Mar 22, 2011 | Dropbox, file_sharing, web_services
Previously: Sharing Files With Dropbox Yesterday I described how to share any file in Dropbox by right-clicking a file or folder, then clicking on “Get Shareable Link.” If you do not see the option to “Get Shareable Link,” apparently you have to “enable your account”....
Mar 21, 2011 | Dropbox, file_sharing, web_services
Dropbox is the essential free program to sync files among each of your computers and mobile devices. If you’re not a Dropbox user, you probably should be. Go read one of my articles about it, go to the Dropbox web site and watch some videos, and start using it....
Mar 14, 2011 | Amazon, Apple, business, Google, iPad, mobile, netbooks, tablet, web_services
When I’m lonely and bored, I like to go back and read my old articles and marvel at how well I’ve been leading you through the fast-changing world of technology. It was just a year ago that I wrote these incisive comments about what to expect from Apple’s original...
Mar 9, 2011 | Adobe, bruceb, security, updates, web_services
I’m finishing a busy month rolling out the software agent that monitors workstations and installs updates to Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, and more. On Friday, clients will get the first weekly reports on the health of their servers and workstations. I’m...
Mar 4, 2011 | Apple, backup, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, iPad, Microsoft, Office, tablet, web_services
Previously: Google Cloud Connect For Microsoft Office – Part 1: Sync And Share Documents Easily Almost a year ago I wrote an article about how Microsoft could change the world by moving our files online. Imagine that you could have your office documents appear...