Mar 25, 2010 | file_sharing, Microsoft, photos, web_services, Windows Live
For many people, Windows Live Photo Gallery is the best program for displaying, tagging, and doing light editing of photos. It’s free, attractive, and helps you do simple photo chores without the mind-numbing complexity of Adobe Photoshop Elements. Sure, serious photo...
Mar 22, 2010 | business, mobile, web_services
Article in today’s New York Times, “Digitally, Location Is Where It’s At”: To someone not in their 20s whose location generally isn’t that interesting to others — that would be me — the idea of handing over your privacy with both hands to strap on a digital ankle...
Mar 21, 2010 | Apple, business, Facebook, Google, mobile, web_services
The new little device in your pocket knows where you are – and that’s the next thing that’s going to change the world. Location will be the most important thing that happens in technology this year, and in the long run it will likely be as significant as the rise of...
Mar 2, 2010 | Facebook, humor, web_services
(Thanks to!)
Feb 10, 2010 | file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, Office, software, web_services, Windows Live
Live Mesh is Microsoft’s program for syncing folders between multiple computers and online storage, making your files available to you wherever you are. I think Live Mesh is dead, and I think I know why: Microsoft is deliberately cutting back on what it could have...
Feb 9, 2010 | Apple, business, Google, Microsoft, mobile, web_services
Windows 7 is a staggering achievement. Microsoft delivered exactly the right product at the right time and will completely dominate desktop computing for the foreseeable future. Microsoft shows no signs of being able to do anything similar in any of the other areas...