Nov 14, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, mobile, photos, software, web_services
Microsoft is updating and integrating all of its “Windows Live” services. The results are overwhelming and quirky but the changes include some things that are even attractive for cranky old folks like me that have no idea what to do with a...
Nov 12, 2008 | humor, web_services
Finally, some online technology that you can use! In the last ten years, many newspapers, magazines, and other publishers experimented with putting material online behind walls set up for subscribers only. One by one, the experiments failed to attract much interest...
Nov 7, 2008 | Adobe, business, law, web_services
Acrobat 9 Professional builds on the features in Acrobat 8 that made it an important tool in many offices, especially law offices. There is a vastly improved document comparison routine and enhanced Bates numbering, for example, along with small improvements in...
Nov 4, 2008 | business, computers, file_sharing, Google, Internet, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, photos, software, web_services
“Windows Azure” is a terrible name but you need to be aware of it anyway. Windows Azure is a breathtakingly ambitious platform outlined by Microsoft at last week’s Professional Developer Conference, another attempt by Microsoft to position itself to...
Oct 30, 2008 | Apple, file_sharing, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, remote, software, Vista, web_services, WinXP
Windows Live Mesh has just been updated, as of about noon on Thursday 10/30. If you are using it already, you will be notified to install the update; it will stop working until the update is installed on each computer running it. If you are not using it yet, it has...
Oct 26, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, mobile, web_services
If you’re using my favorite web service Live Mesh, watch for an update in the next few days. It will be required to continue using Live Mesh; file sharing and remote access will go dead until the update is installed. I’m going to do a backup of the files...