Nov 28, 2007 | IE, Outlook, software, Vista, web_services, WinXP
We’ve become familiar with the slowdowns and crashes associated with programs and services that start up automatically when a computer is turned on. Now I’m running into problems caused by the links between programs – the “add-ins” or...
Nov 27, 2007 | file_sharing, Outlook, web_services
YouSendIt is one of the best-known services for moving large files from place to place – a persistent problem. I just learned about a way to set up Outlook to transmit large files through the YouSendIt service almost invisibly. I’ve tried various things to...
Nov 20, 2007 | business, security, web_services
PayPal has a new service for making payments through its system on websites that don’t take PayPal directly.When you set up a free PayPal account (a login name and password), it’s linked to one of your bank accounts. When you pay through your PayPal...
Nov 16, 2007 | file_sharing, Microsoft, web_services
Foldershare is an invaluable free service from Microsoft for sharing files and folders among several computers, keeping the folders in sync with each other automatically. Although the concept is simple, it’s a bit confusing to get started; once you get it, it...
Nov 12, 2007 | Internet, mobile, web_services
Some of you may have another reason to consider setting up Bloglines to organize your list of the websites that you read daily: it’s immediately useful on a mobile device with an Internet browser. (Here’s my short introduction to blogs and Bloglines.)More...
Nov 1, 2007 | Internet, web_services
If you’re interested in technology, one of the first sites to check in the morning is TechMeme, a wildly popular service that checks thousands of blogs and news sites and presents a constantly updated overview of the day’s hot topics in an organized way....