Oct 31, 2007 | IE, Internet, web_services
Let’s talk about blogs and RSS feeds. It might have more relevance than you think.If you’re like most people, most of your web surfing time is spent visiting the same few web sites every day. That might start with news pages and weather, then a few pages...
Oct 18, 2007 | file_sharing, Microsoft, photos, software, web_services
Microsoft has an appealing new program for displaying and sharing your photos. There is no shortage of photo programs and online services, but if you haven’t committed to any of them yet, Windows Live Photo Gallery looks like a reasonable place to start.Windows...
Oct 14, 2007 | remote, web_services
LogMeIn Free is a completely free service that gives you remote access to your home or office computer, any time, from anywhere.Remote access services run software on your home or office computer that discreetly maintains a connection with the online servers run by...
Oct 2, 2007 | photos, web_services
Here’s new technology for manipulating photos that’s very cool – you’ll enjoy watching the demo even if you don’t have a clue what’s going on or whether you’ll use it.Rsizr is a web-based tool that can resize your photos...
Sep 9, 2007 | file_sharing, mail, web_services
Exchanging documents by e-mail is commonplace in business because it seems so easy, but there are two recurring problems: There is no easy way to track documents traveling by e-mail. The controls in Microsoft Word for tracking changes are complex (most people ignore...
Aug 24, 2007 | bruceb, remote, web_services
Providing support by phone is far more effective when the person at the other end can see your screen. I’m in a position now to work with your computer remotely at your request – any time, anywhere.Remote computing has been around for a while, but...