Tracking Shot is a free online service that deserves a look. There’s no easier way to build videos and slideshows from your photos, movies and music. Here’s a glowing review of Tracking Shot from CNet.There’s no shortage of sites for sharing photos,...


Make no mistake: MySpace is old news, YouTube is beginning its slide out of the headlines, Yahoo is over the hill, Flickr never stood a chance. Second Life is the hot online destination, the next cultural obsession, soon to be a household name.Second Life is an online...


Let’s talk about syncing files. I’ve got a new program you ought to know about.Imagine that you have a folder full of files and you want to have a copy of that folder on another computer. There’s a lot of reasons to do that: to take your work files...


Google’s free photo organizer Picasa has been updated to version 2.5. (As of today, the main download page may not be updated to the new version; according to this blog, it can be downloaded directly from Google by clicking on this link.)I invested some time in...


Altexa provides an online backup service – a small program copying designated files to an online storage space in a simple, secure way.I have no idea whether Altexa is a good service! They may be great, they may have awful software, they may be out of business...