Apr 12, 2006 | Internet, web_services
Wikipedia occasionally gets in the news when one of its entries is hijacked by pranksters or political operatives. As a result, there have been endless discussions in the media about its trustworthiness.Don’t let that distract you. Wikipedia has become a...
Mar 14, 2006 | file_sharing, Microsoft, software, web_services
Later this year, Microsoft will roll out Windows Vista, the successor to Windows XP, as well as Office 2007, a dizzying array of familiar and unfamiliar business applications.The busiest division at Microsoft, though, is producing online services under the umbrella...
Mar 14, 2006 | remote, software, web_services
America Online appears to be offering a useful service – words I have not spoken often in the last ten or fifteen years. For $6.95 per month, AOL’s new service Link2PC allows remote access to one or two computers from any location. Here’s an article...
Mar 8, 2006 | Google, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft unveiled its latest Internet search page, yet another attempt to unseat Google. The “Windows Live” name is being attached to many web-based Microsoft projects right now, so the new name is Windows Live Search. Currently the results are driven by...
Feb 12, 2006 | business, web_services
Zillow.com launched its beta web site a few days ago, offering free access to real estate information that has been hard to come by until now. (It’s been added to the bruceb favorites page under Home-Family / Realty).Zillow displays estimates of the market value...
Jan 22, 2006 | security, web_services
Here’s a web site that may come in handy: Microsoft’s new Safety Center lets you run free scans for viruses and other malicious software. It also includes maintenance tools for defragging and cleaning up your disk.If a virus gets onto your system somehow...