Oct 7, 2005 | file_sharing, mail, web_services
E-mail was not designed to exchange large files. Many people attempt to send big files by e-mail – 10 or 20 or 30Mb of photos or PDFs or the like – and feel disappointed when the recipient never gets the message. Or perhaps you’ve been on the...
Aug 23, 2005 | Google, software, web_services
Google has unveiled Google Talk, its own instant messenger program. There’s no surprises in it. Here’s an article summarizing the new service.If you have a microphone on your computer, you can talk to the person on the other end, but there’s no other...
Aug 8, 2005 | remote, web_services
More and more people are looking for remote access to their office computers to run programs or work on files from outside the office.Microsoft Small Business Server users have it best. The remote access offered by SBS works like a dream.If you’re an individual...
Jul 25, 2005 | Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft opened MSN Virtual Earth today in response to Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Local. Here’s an article about the new service. On first glance it doesn’t come close to the elegance of the Google services, but it’s nice to have...
Jul 22, 2005 | Google, web_services
Google Maps has added a hybrid view today that combines their satellite and map views, so you can see both at the same time.
Apr 11, 2005 | audio, web_services
Music downloaders alert: for the moment, EasyTree has returned at a new web address, after being shut down by legal threats last week.