Mar 28, 2012 | Windows tips, Windows7, Windows8
We have a long relationship with the Windows Start menu. It was introduced in ancient times in Windows 95 and expanded to two columns in Windows XP. We are emotionally attached to it at a deep level, as you will discover when you try to adjust to a different concept...
Mar 1, 2012 | Google, HP, IE, Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7, WinXP
We are under constant assault from advertisers seeking a foothold on our computers. We invite some of them into our lives voluntarily – every time you do a Google search or check your Facebook page, you’re making advertisers very happy (and making Google and...
Feb 26, 2012 | Windows tips, Windows7
There are thousands of ways to customize Windows 7. This week I’ll describe a few that might fit a few people and be unimportant for others. Almost everyone runs Windows 7 with Aero enabled. Aero harnesses the video power in the current generation of motherboards and...
Dec 5, 2011 | search, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7
Previously: Windows 7 Search More About Windows 7 Search Windows 7 Searches – Small Business Windows 7 Searches – Libraries Windows 7 Searches – Search Techniques SUMMARY: Once you have some experience with Windows 7 searches, Mark Minasi has some tips for...
May 17, 2010 | computers, laptops, search, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7
A lot of people are buying Windows 7 computers! Here’s a roundup of articles about new features to discover and some of the ways that Windows 7 is different than Windows XP. Click on the pictures or the titles for the original articles with all the details to help you...
Dec 18, 2009 | Vista, Windows tips, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: Windows 7 taskbar Customize Windows 7 taskbar – restore quick launch Customize Windows 7 taskbar – expand buttons I use a lot of programs. (If you have a morbid desire to know how many programs you use, install this little gadget from Wakoopa. Remember,...