Dec 23, 2019 | bruceb, business, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, LastPass, mail, Microsoft, mobile, news, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, phone, Politics, Privacy, security, Windows10
(This will be the last Bruceb News article until I recover from an upcoming business conference trip to Hawaii. Happy holidays!) I think I accomplished two goals in 2019: writing articles about privacy and security that were so terrifying that they kept you awake at...
Oct 21, 2019 | Android, Apple, Chrome, Google, Google Drive, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, software, Windows10
Need help with spelling and grammar? Of course you do! You already get help with your spelling. Microsoft Word and Outlook automatically fix common errors on the fly as you type, and flag possible misspellings with the familiar wavy line. Your phone auto-corrects your...
Oct 13, 2019 | Dropbox, Microsoft, OneDrive, security, Windows tips, Windows10
Microsoft added built-in ransomware protection to Windows 10 two years ago. When you check, you’ll find it’s not turned on. This will seem strange. It should be a good thing to stop ransomware, right? Here’s why you’ve never heard of it and why...
Oct 9, 2019 | Apple, domains, Google, Microsoft, Privacy, security, web_services, Windows tips, Windows10
There are good reasons to set up a new Windows 10 PC without a Microsoft account, even if you intend to link it to a Microsoft account eventually. The bad news is that Microsoft is pushing its own agenda and using deception to hide the option of setting up a local...
Oct 6, 2019 | business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Privacy, spam, web_services, Windows10
I hate to interrupt the steady flow of happiness and joy in the news, but I want to call your attention to a small way that our civilization is degrading into a dystopian hell. Once I describe it, you’ll notice it everywhere. The web is filled with dark patterns...
Sep 15, 2019 | Android, Microsoft, Windows tips, Windows10
If you get a notification that you have a “Microsoft account problem,” you don’t have a problem and you don’t have to fix anything. You haven’t been hacked and you don’t have a virus. Microsoft is testing your patience. (Update...