May 8, 2016 | Android, Apple, Microsoft, updates, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Microsoft says that the offer to upgrade Windows 7 and 8 computers to Windows 10 for free will end on July 29, one year after the release of Windows 10. The free upgrade was always described as a one-year offer but many people expected Microsoft to extend it...
Apr 28, 2016 | computers, hardware, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
The PC industry just went through the biggest drop in sales in its history. The single biggest reason for the long-term decline is the switch to phones and mobile devices for everyday computing. Microsoft’s free upgrade to Windows 10 contributed to the drop in...
Apr 1, 2016 | updates, Windows tips, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation is a well-known security expert – cranky, contrarian, deeply wedded to the past (his personal computer runs Windows XP), and old-school in his approach to writing programs. His website is defiantly retro, a fine example of...
Mar 27, 2016 | Chrome, Google, IE, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
It’s the guiding principle of technology these days: everything is simple and easy once you know how to do it. I discovered a Google Chrome trick that makes me giggle with happiness. Chrome lets you pin a website to the taskbar. Really, that’s it. Doesn’t sound like...
Jan 31, 2016 | updates, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Windows 10 is exactly six months old. We are halfway through the period that Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers. (No one knows what will happen on July 29, 2016. If you’re going to upgrade, do it before...
Jan 18, 2016 | computers, Internet, LastPass, mobile, phone, security, Windows tips, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2016. We are required to be paranoid and vigilant. We run our businesses and manage our personal lives online, and the bad guys are endlessly inventive in their effort to find ways through our defenses....