Jun 13, 2005 | Vista, WinXP
Microsoft Word opens up a new window for each document. Internet Explorer frequently opens new windows – each time you click on an IE icon, for example, or when a web page is set to open new windows instead of using the existing window. When we’re in full...
Apr 7, 2005 | Microsoft, security, software, WinXP
Whenever you go online, you are at risk of having adware and spyware installed on your system. Well-funded companies are seeking to invade your computer without your knowledge or consent; their software can slow or crash your computer, overload your Internet...
Nov 16, 2004 | WinXP, wireless
Here’s a brief article describing the process of connecting to a wireless network using Windows XP Service Pack 2, along with some screen shots. It’s basic but helpful if you’re new to the world of wireless networks.
Oct 22, 2004 | Microsoft, WinXP
Microsoft has released a collection of free software for Windows XP through a web site titled “Microsoft Partner Pack For Windows.” It installs updates to a couple of Windows components and then turns on access to a handful of utilities, web services and...
Oct 6, 2004 | security, WinXP
I’ve recently discovered “TV Media” on the Add-Remove Programs list of several computers. It’s just the usual adware, installed on a computer to generate popups popups popups. Like many of the other adware/spyware programs, it doesn’t...