Mixed Reality Goes Mainstream – Meta Quest 3 And Alien Puffballs
An alien spaceship has blasted a hole in my ceiling and is landing on the floor in front of my bookcases. It’s a game on the Meta Quest 3 headset named “First Encounters.” My office is fully visible through the passthrough cameras. In the picture above, you can see a...
Robert Bork & Hipster Antitrust
In the last article I said that the Facebook lawsuits “will be difficult to win under the standards used in antitrust cases for the last few decades.” Rather precise phrasing,...
The Facebook Antitrust Lawsuits
We have to talk about antitrust. That’s a cliché, of course – every blogger that wants attention knows that “antitrust” is guaranteed clickbait, a real audience-grabber. There...
The Best New Music Of 2020
Spotify released the personalized Wrapped 2020 playlist a few days ago. I was a bit surprised to discover that my fave-rave most-played song in 2020 was the sound of soothing...
Google Improves The View For PDFs
It’s confusing to open an online PDF. You click on a link to a PDF. You expect Acrobat to open and display the PDF. Wouldn’t that be nice? If it was that easy, you’d get the...
A Tiny Windows Tip Of Minimal Importance
Press the Windows key + M to minimize all open windows. Your programs are still running on the taskbar but your desktop is immediately cleared. That’s it. That’s the tip. A Tiny...
Windows Crashes, LogTransport2, And Privacy
Do you see this error window when you shut down or restart your Windows 10 computer? LogTransport2.exe – Application Error The application was unable to start correctly...
If Section 230 Is So Swell, Why Do People Want To Change It?
On October 14, the New York Post published a story alleging that smoking gun emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop implicated Joe Biden in corrupt schemes. It was immediately obvious...
Section 230 Is At The Heart Of Everything
Settle down, this is important. We’re going to talk about Section 230. I understand that you have no idea what that is. For now, take my word for it. I wouldn’t put you through...
Reliability Monitor Is Your New Old Favorite Windows Troubleshooting Tool
Reliability Monitor is the best Windows troubleshooting tool that you’re not using, which is a shame, but I understand. If you’re an IT pro, then you probably forgot about it,...
America After The Election
I hoped that after the election the country would look like when Dorothy's house lands in Oz and she opens the door and everything is in color and birds are chirping and people...
Predicting The Election, With Hope And Laser Bears
There is a wall between today and Inauguration Day. No one can guess what is on the other side of that wall. When I imagine peeking over the wall on the good days, it is a place...
Changes Ahead For Outlook
If you use the desktop version of Outlook, you are almost certainly very set in your ways. Hundreds of millions of people have strong muscle memories acquired over years of...
Try The Online Versions Of Word, Excel, And Powerpoint
I’m going to suggest something crazy. I want you to try using the online versions of Word and Excel. Did you know there were online versions of Word and Excel? A lot of people...
OneDrive Is The Best Way To Back Up Your Files
OneDrive has become Microsoft’s preferred way to back up your files. OneDrive has improved! It is a safe and effective way to store your files online, access them from multiple...
How To Change The Login For Your Microsoft Personal Account
If you use the same email address to log into your Microsoft business and personal accounts, this article will show you how to change the address on your personal account. This...