The Return Of Bruceb News

The Return Of Bruceb News

I’m going to change what arrives in your mailbox in a very minor way. You don’t have to do anything except whitelist my emails when they get sent to junk mail. (Gmail sometimes sends them to “Promotions” for some reason.) Here’s the short version. I’m retired from...

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The (Virtual) Shape Of Things To Come

The (Virtual) Shape Of Things To Come

Meta is taking us forward to a world where augmented reality glasses are well understood and useful. “You’re crazy!” I hear you say. “Meta has moved on. Mark Zuckerberg looked...

RIP Cormac McCarthy

RIP Cormac McCarthy

"I had two dreams about him after he died. I dont remember the first one all that well but it was about meetin him in town somewheres and he give me some money and I think I lost...

Ray Bradbury And Dark Carnival

Ray Bradbury And Dark Carnival

The best time to read Ray Bradbury stories is when you are thirteen years old. The second best time is right now. When I was 13, I read The October Country, a collection of some...