AI’s Acceleration To Warp Speed
AI is going to change things that you use every day. The changes will be profound, perhaps more fundamentally important than the internet or the computer or the iPhone. The speed at which things change will be faster than anything you’ve ever lived through before. You...
Your Neighbor Is Not Calling You: 3.4 Billion Reasons Not To Answer The Phone
It’s not your imagination. Your cell phone is ringing off the hook with automated spam calls – 3.4 billion robocalls in April alone, a 35% increase from the previous year....
How To Measure Your Internet Speed
This is a basic tip but it comes up all the time. Everyone needs a fast Internet connection. You might want to check your Internet speed out of curiosity, or because you suspect...
FBI Warns That Your Router Is Possessed By Demons; Government Recommends Panic
Hundreds of thousands of routers – maybe yours! - are infected by malware linked to the Russian government. The bad guys behind the malware attack, Sofacy Group, are believed to...
Facebook And Fake Accounts: A Miscalculation Of Scale
Douglas Adams tells this story in his classic novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. After waging frightful war against each other for centuries, two alien civilizations...
How To Fix Low Disk Space Notifications After Installing Windows 10 April 2018 Update
This is why Microsoft doesn’t have any friends. If you start seeing a barrage of notifications about “low disk space” on your Windows 10 computer, it is likely to be the result...
Google Performs An Amazing Magic Trick With Artificial Intelligence
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke Google gave one of the all-time great technology demos on stage this week at Google...
Beware Of The Scary Button! Microsoft Mucks Up Another Update
Let’s start with the thrilling conclusion for readers with limited attention spans. • There are some problems with the latest major Windows 10 update. Don’t panic –...
Don’t Want To Live On The Edge? How To Change The Default PDF Viewer In Windows 10
The first thing everyone does with a new computer is install Google Chrome. That’s the last time we want to see Microsoft Edge, the uninspiring Windows 10 web browser. At some...
How To Use Google To Change Your Image
If you’re looking for a picture to use in a project - a Powerpoint presentation, Word document, blog post, whatever – you probably do a Google image search. Google has made that...
How Microsoft Became Uncool And Lost Touch With Consumers
There was a time when Windows was cool. A long time ago, people lined up to get new versions of Windows when they went on sale. Maybe not quite the numbers of people outside of...
Could Microsoft Have Kept Windows Relevant?
We have arrived at a point where Microsoft no longer has a Windows division. To a generation of computer users, Windows was the product that defined Microsoft and defined our own...
Microsoft Acknowledges The Inevitable: Windows Is Sailing Into The Sunset
Microsoft announced an internal reorganization last week and raised the profile of its cloud, artificial intelligence, and enterprise teams. This would not normally be an...
Box Drive Hits A Milestone
Box Drive has been declared to be generally available, instead of being labeled a “beta.” Box Drive users will be prompted to install an update – more about that below. Need a...
Another Season, Another Windows Update
Microsoft will soon begin distributing the Spring Creators Update for Windows 10, likely starting on Patch Tuesday, April 10. The update will bring Windows 10 to version 1803....
Net Neutrality & SESTA: The Big Will Grow Bigger
Previously: Tech Giants And World Domination The repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules by the Federal Communications Commission will take effect on April 23. This week the...