A Microsoft Engineer Saved The World
On Friday, March 29, Microsoft engineer Andres Freund saved the world. He found malware shortly before it was due to be distributed to the vast majority of the world’s servers, including those used by banks, hospitals, governments and Fortune 500 companies. The bit...
Tech Giants And World Domination
Five companies – Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft – dominate everything that happens in technology. They arguably wield more power than many governments and they...
Around The World In 80 Taps: Google Pay, Apple Pay, And Contactless Payments
I never used a credit card in Australia. I bought coffee and sandwiches and souvenirs and dinners and clothing, but I never pulled out my wallet. I never used cash, either. I...
Visiting The Land Down Under, Returning To The Upside Down World
We’re safely back from a trip to Australia – walking on the beach on the Bay of Fires in Tasmania, shopping at Salamanca Market in Hobart, exploring lanes and arcades and alleys...
Bruce Goes To Australia; Bruceb News On Hiatus; Angry Clients Demand Reforms
SEBASTOPOL – Bruce Berls announced plans today to travel to Australia from February 22 through March 11, 2018. The trip, previously a closely-held secret, will disrupt...
Google Blocks Ads In Chrome, Kind Of
Google has updated Chrome so it will block ads on some websites if the ads violate standards established by the Coalition For Better Ads. Google and Facebook are members of the...
Looking Forward: Google Home, Amazon Echo & Home Assistants
The battle between Amazon and Google in the market for home assistants will be the source of the most interesting technology advances in 2018. You probably know the basics....
Store Files Online, View Them On Your Computer With Dropbox Smart Sync
Dropbox Smart Sync is a new feature that allows you to store files online and browse through them with Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder. The files are not synced. They are...
Rules For Computer And Online Safety 2018
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2018. You can download a copy here. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before...
Office 365 Tip: How To Turn Off Focused Inbox And Turn On Clutter
I don’t like Focused Inbox. I want my Clutter back. Focused Inbox is Microsoft’s new method of filtering mail for Office 365 business accounts. Here’s more info about Focused...
LogMeIn Hopes You Won’t Notice That Its Price Is Absurdly High
In 2013 LogMeIn was free for individuals. In 2018 the exact same service from LogMeIn costs $349.99/year. That is so outlandish, so absurd, that it seems like it must be a joke....
Connecting The Always Connected PCs
Previously: Looking Forward: Always Connected Computers If you were paying attention during the previous lecture, you know that Microsoft is working with Qualcomm on “Always...
Looking Forward: Always Connected Computers
Stretch your imagination. Imagine that you pull your laptop out and pop the lid open and start using it right away. There’s no delay, no swirling circle – it’s just on, bang,...
Looking Forward: Increasing Your Core Strength
Nothing will stand still in 2018. You’ll be bombarded with new technology and more jargon. As always, some of the changes will be useful advances that will make your life better,...
Meltdown & Spectre: What You Need To Know About Intel’s Security Disaster
Nearly every modern processor has security flaws that potentially could allow hackers to steal data from any computer or server. The two related problems, code-named Meltdown and...
The 2017 Bruceb News Year In Review
A year ago I wrote this prediction: “The word of the year for 2017 is “chaos.” Write it down, seal it in an envelope, open it up a year from now and see if I got it right.” I...