The Rise And Fall Of Browser Home Pages
Remember browser home pages? You do? I wouldn’t have guessed, you must be older than you look. All the rest of you children, gather round the fire, let me take you back to a simpler time when we still said “World Wide Web” and you could hear the capital letters. In...
Virtual Reality Has No Future And It’s Mark Zuckerberg’s Fault
Luxuriate in the awfulness of the above picture. It's Mark Zuckerberg's avatar in virtual reality, taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower and it's hard to be sure, maybe...
Google Will Try To Avoid The AR Privacy Trap
Google is going to send a few of its AR glasses to the outside world to get better testing feedback. Its announcement was carefully calibrated to forestall cheap jokes about a...
Uncommon Scents Is A Near-Future SF Novel By Brilliant Young Authors
Uncommon Scents is a novel by – why, it’s by me! And by Jim Rowson, a former Google software engineer, who has joined me in writing a a cautionary frolic that has more humor and...
Mojo Vision Shows World’s First AR Smart Contact Lens
Three weeks ago Drew Perkins, the CEO of Mojo Vision, wore a feature-complete augmented reality smart contact lens at the company’s labs in Saratoga, CA. He could “interact with...
DOPPA Is The Imaginary Law That Can Restore Our Privacy
I’ve been writing about privacy for a long time. I wrote a series of articles about location tracking and a useful overview of data brokers and a long series of articles about...
Will Augmented Reality Push Us Over A Privacy Cliff?
Ten years from now you may pick up your augmented reality glasses automatically, exactly as you pick up your phone today. The glasses will do many of the same things, plus...
Privacy Is The Plutonium Of Augmented Reality
Augmented reality will fail unless it comes with augmented privacy. This is completely separate from the technical difficulty of developing AR equipment. Apple decided not to...
Meet The New Outlook, Not The Same As The Old Outlook
If you obsessively follow Microsoft news – and surely you do, right? – you may have seen references to the “new Outlook for Windows.” That might have led you to the conclusion...
Google Shows The Promise Of Augmented Reality
Google demonstrated an augmented reality product last week that may never exist. I don’t want you to look at it and decide to sit at your desk hitting refresh on the Google Store...
Collecting Cormac, And Why The Passenger Might Be Your Favorite Book
In 2016, Paul Suntup founded Suntup Press, which produces finely crafted limited edition books for a small but intensely devoted audience. Earlier this year, Suntup shipped its...
A Legion Of Horribles
Today’s sermon concerns Cormac McCarthy, our greatest living author. McCarthy is extraordinarily reclusive; he lives in New Mexico, to the best of anyone's knowledge, and he has...
Amazon Doesn’t Want To Miss The Augmented Future
Amazon is quietly doing its own research into augmented reality glasses and apps. Evidence has been uncovered that Amazon is assembling a sizable team to work on some kind of...
Niantic Redefines The Metaverse
Niantic is a tech company developing tools and games for the day when augmented reality will be widely adopted. Niantic’s founder and CEO John Hanke has strong opinions about the...
What Happens Next In The Russia-Ukraine Cyberwar
Right from the outset, let’s agree to keep in mind that the Russia/Ukraine cyberwar may never heat up. The important developments in the next few days and weeks will likely...
Why Are The Lights On In Ukraine?
A lot of experts expected Russia to start its assault on Ukraine with a massive shock-and-awe cyberattack – turning off the country’s electricity, killing the Internet and...