Fascinating Details About Windows 11
Now that you’ve seen the big picture of why Windows 11 exists, let’s go through some of the fascinating details. This could be the most interesting technology article you will read this year. Okay, probably not, but isn't it better to go into it with an open mind and...
Comparing The New Internet Browsers, aka Microsoft And The LastPass Problem
Previously: Battle Of The Browser Updates The latest and greatest versions of the three major Internet browsers have been released. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Mozilla Firefox...
Little Microsoft Annoyances
My goal for you is simplicity. I want you to use wonderful tools that are easy to use and easy to keep up to date. Little things make me irritable. Here’s a story of a little...
Dropbox Sharing Addendum
Previously: Sharing Files With Dropbox Yesterday I described how to share any file in Dropbox by right-clicking a file or folder, then clicking on “Get Shareable Link.” If you do...
Sharing Files With Dropbox
Dropbox is the essential free program to sync files among each of your computers and mobile devices. If you’re not a Dropbox user, you probably should be. Go read one of my...
Apple Makes A Move Into Small Business
It’s obvious by now that nothing pursued by Apple should be underestimated. Apple has had its share of unsuccessful projects over the years that languished or died, but it has...
Which iPad 2 Should You Get?
If you’re considering an iPad, you must read this article by Marco Arment. Everything you need to know, in plain English. Verizon/AT&T or wi-fi only? 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb? Black...
The Apple Ecosystem And The Post-PC World
When I’m lonely and bored, I like to go back and read my old articles and marvel at how well I’ve been leading you through the fast-changing world of technology. It was just a...
Battle Of The Browser Updates
It’s probably a coincidence that major updates are being released for Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome within a few days of each other. It’s also not very meaningful...
Bruceb Monitoring And The Importance Of Updates
I’m finishing a busy month rolling out the software agent that monitors workstations and installs updates to Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, and more. On Friday, clients...
Conan O’Brien On The iPad 2
Everything you need to know about the iPad 2. Conan O’Brien - Apple is getting a little cocky about iPad 2 If the video doesn’t display, look for it here.
Google Cloud Connect – Part 2: Shortcomings And Comparison To Dropbox And Office Web Apps
Previously: Google Cloud Connect For Microsoft Office - Part 1: Sync And Share Documents Easily Almost a year ago I wrote an article about how Microsoft could change the world by...
Google Cloud Connect For Microsoft Office – Part 1: Sync And Share Documents Easily
Google has launched Google Cloud Connect, a simple way for you to save Office documents into the cloud, work on them from multiple locations, share them with others, and...
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 – Ready To Install, But No Rush
If your computer is running Windows 7, you will find Windows 7 Service Pack 1 waiting in the queue in Windows Update. Here are the things you need to know. You should install...
Capturing A Web Page Using Acrobat Pro
[UPDATE to yesterday’s article about a printer bug in the Adobe Acrobat and Reader 9.4.2 patch: Adobe’s tech support note was updated last night with a small program that...
Printer Bug In Adobe Acrobat 9.4.2 Update
Adobe has distinguished itself yet again by issuing an update with a flaw that breaks the ability to print from Acrobat in certain cases. Sigh. Acrobat is so useful! Wouldn’t it...