Prepare To Be Disrupted

The supply chain is all screwed up. It's going to dominate our conversations for the next few months. I know, you have enough crises to worry about, thank you very much, no need for one more. Bad news: what’s unfolding right now in “supply chain disruption” leaves me...

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Happy Holidays From Bruceb Consulting!

The entire team at Bruceb Consulting would like to wish everyone a safe and joyous holiday! Thank you for your support and your trust in 2010. I worked harder - and had more fun...

Cross-Posting WordPress Posts To Facebook

This is more of a test post. Facebook has a feature in “Notes” intended to import blog posts into a Facebook stream. It’s terribly broken. My experience matches many other...

Expand The LastPass Toolbar

LastPass is the truly essential utility, a free tool to help you remember the passwords that fill our lives. Personally, I’ve got LastPass keeping track of a couple of hundred...