Bing Sucks At Searches

Bing Sucks At Searches

Bing sucks at searches. You know how I know that? Because I have an anecdote to prove it. Anecdotes don't prove anything. I know that. You know that. If I'm going to make a broad claim I ought to have solid evidence and statistics and data. I don't. Well, I do, but...

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Warren Berls

I’ll be taking a personal day on Wednesday, August 25, to help my dad celebrate his 90th birthday. My dad taught me to solder. Remember soldering irons? We’d use them to build...

Fear Of Exchange

I’m strongly urging my clients running Small Business Server to move their mailboxes to online hosted Exchange servers. I’ll give you a bit of background and tell you an anecdote...

Google Translate

If I’d thought about it, I would have realized that Google Translate had to exist. It does exactly what you’d expect from an online translator: type in a phrase and it can be...

Rename Files Fast In Windows 7

Here’s a quick tip for Windows 7 users – one of those shortcuts that make Windows 7 so cuddly and adorable. If you want to rename several files in a folder, try this: Highlight...