Ray Bradbury And Dark Carnival
The best time to read Ray Bradbury stories is when you are thirteen years old. The second best time is right now. When I was 13, I read The October Country, a collection of some of Bradbury’s earliest published short stories. When I was 14 and 15 and 16 and every age...
Predicting The Election, With Hope And Laser Bears
There is a wall between today and Inauguration Day. No one can guess what is on the other side of that wall. When I imagine peeking over the wall on the good days, it is a place...
Changes Ahead For Outlook
If you use the desktop version of Outlook, you are almost certainly very set in your ways. Hundreds of millions of people have strong muscle memories acquired over years of...
Try The Online Versions Of Word, Excel, And Powerpoint
I’m going to suggest something crazy. I want you to try using the online versions of Word and Excel. Did you know there were online versions of Word and Excel? A lot of people...
OneDrive Is The Best Way To Back Up Your Files
OneDrive has become Microsoft’s preferred way to back up your files. OneDrive has improved! It is a safe and effective way to store your files online, access them from multiple...
How To Change The Login For Your Microsoft Personal Account
If you use the same email address to log into your Microsoft business and personal accounts, this article will show you how to change the address on your personal account. This...
Understanding Microsoft Business And Personal Accounts
This is the first of several articles about Microsoft accounts. This is familiar ground for long-time readers. I’ve been writing about Microsoft accounts and services for years....
Make A Note To Try Microsoft To Do
I want you to add something to your to do list. Okay, what popped into your mind as the place you would put that? A notepad on the refrigerator? A post-it on the steering wheel?...
Tips For Saving Files In Word & Excel
There are three completely different screens that can come up when you’re saving files in Word and Excel. I’ll help you recognize them so you know what to do next with each one....
Advertising At The Speed Of Light
The advertising business doesn’t work the way you think it does. You figure you’ve pretty well got it - you watched Mad Men, right? Back in the 1960s, cigarette-smoking men from...
Cybercrime Is Boring
The phone rings. It’s a scammer. “I’m calling from Microsoft about a problem with your computer.” “I’m calling from the IRS to discuss your past-due tax bill.” “Would you like to...
Windows Can’t Find My OneDrive Files
Windows Search has a problem with my OneDrive files. It can’t find them. It’s supposed to be able to find them. There’s a tempting new option in Windows Settings / Search that...
Why Is It So Hard For Facebook To Remove False Covid Information?
What should the social media companies do with false information?Two years ago YouTube had a surge of videos encouraging teenagers to eat Tide Pods because they are secretly...
Arguing At Cross-Purposes About Tech Policy
“If people are at cross-purposes, they do not understand each other because they are working toward or talking about different things without realizing it.” Definition of “at...
Windows Tip: Use Alt-Tab To Switch Programs
I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I don’t think you’re using Alt-Tab to switch programs, and I’m not sure I understand that. I use Alt-Tab a hundred times a day, but I...
A Cautionary Tale About Always-Connected Computers
This is a fun and interesting story that ends with me so angry that I want to feed my laptop into a wood chipper. Fair warning: to get there, you have to read a bit more about...